Many many different roads walked by many different lives.
We cannot judge another. To condemn another is only to condemn oneself. To condemn oneself is to judge another.
Acceptance is the gate way to each new journey.
Symbol 1:
Acceptance is the Gateway to each new Journey.
It’s the first symbol on the Medicine Wheel. It is in the East and it faces the sun. It’s where we ALWAYS enter the circle.
All Healing begins with Acceptance. For it is in the moment of Accepting that we unlock the door or gate for Healing to begin.
Acceptance activates the Medicine Wheel to start turning and for all that you need to become available to heal. Once you take that first step of Accepting you open yourself to a magical experience of diving deep into yourself and going on the most exciting adventure you will ever take. The Journey to your Heart.
The Grandmother's Circle is an active energy of sacredness that spirals layer upon layer endlessly, unlocking secrets, shining light on shadows, uncovering buried treasures hidden deep within your existence, releasing what does not serve you and ultimately giving you the freedom to be who you are here to be.
The root of this card is Surrender.
At first our focus of Acceptance may be on what we perceive as a negative aspect of our internal or external world. As we heal and continually work with Acceptance we soon find ourselves at gateways Accepting gifts of hidden talents and strengths that have arisen from within our true authentic selves . These are truly beautiful moments for us to experience and welcome with excitement. “I accept, I accept, I accept”
The Star in the center of this symbol is You emerging.
“I OWN MY IMPACT!!!”..................
”I Surrender to this which is My Life on this Day”
Acceptance is like a muscle. It needs constant use to hold strong and be beneficial. It is very much like Patience and Forgiveness. It needs practice. You will venture many times around the Medicine Wheel of your life you are in a continuous flux of change, moving through layers of your experiences and your existence.
Once the first journey around the Grandmothers circle has been activated and integrated we begin to move into the 4th dimensional aspects of the symbol.
When we have seen and moved past the Resistance we can Surrender. A sigh of relief is felt. Ahhh!!! What it is that we surrender to is the Soul, our Soul. This is why it is a sigh of relief. All the songs about coming home that have ever moved you within are about this moment. When we come home to the Soul. Our Soul is a Home. A home to this Earth body human.
The place in between which is held in Resistance is a pivotal place. It can be rough, scary, dangerous, hallowing, destroying, a place of war, confusion, a battle within, a battle without. It is tumultuous!!!
This is why the Surrender is such a relief. Such a refuge. And for a moment we may see it as a refuge. A holiday from real life. Yet when we are over and pass through this pivotal place and realize that was just a place and we step into a space that holds the Self, we are amazed because we realize that place called HOME is held by us and in this space, FINALLY, after all we have been through, all the paths we have walked, all the mountains we have climbed, the trails we have endured, the pain we have suffered, the lose we have experienced, the darkness we have been lost in…………….The SELF meets the SOUL.
Sighs of relief. Tears of joy. Ahhhh!!! I am HOME!!!!
And just as you would sink into that bed or couch after a hectic day or busy period of time, you fully Surrender, recognizing and remembering that your Soul was always a part of you.
In our 3D journey in the symbol we Accept things in our daily lives. Our weakness, failures, feelings, illness’s. We learn to let go of our judgment by seeing our intolerance of others reflect our intolerance of ourselves. By Accepting these things we begin to release them and make room for this total Surrender to our Soul.
Now you are on your way to living a 5th Dimensional life in a 3D matrix. When you are doing this ,you are helping raise that 3D Dimension to vibrate at a 5D frequency. Hence moving humanity into it’s next stages of evolution.
For now though you yourself personally can focus on living a life from your Soul, with your Soul as your constant guiding light. Making your life a beautiful place to be, which will reflect to all around you.