I am Eternal
I am your shield
I am your arrow
All else is random
Aim from the Heart
You will make your mark
The Earth is in the process of a natural evolution. What an amazing thing to know that we are living in the time of this historical event. What is evolution? It is a process of transformation needed to adapt to a changing environment. The change we are going through is called Ascension. The Earth is doing it. Our bodies are doing it. We are vibrating at frequencies that allow us to open to our higher consciousness.
There is nothing you need to do for this process to occur, it's all happening very naturally just as it is meant to be. Yet it is a beautiful thing to be aware of your own ascension.
If this card has your attention maybe it's time to investigate ascension information, there is plenty out there. Or maybe you have unknowingly been resisting your own ascension. This is a very common pattern in humans so don't feel alarmed, rather gently become aware of where there might be any resistance within you. Remember that once an awareness arises it generally shifts/removes the blockage/pattern. If not attention will be draw to whatever action/changes you need be aware of and you can may further enquires.
Asking yourself or the cards some questions for example.
What is it you will put between yourself and this future vision of yourself?
What is it that you will put between yourself and this goal you are setting?
How simple it would be to fully believe what you believe.
Yet you are human, and the human experience is to experience all experiences of consciousness. Until you understand that you are able to experience through thought consciousness, therefore can quickly move beyond, you will continue to spend much time overcoming, over thinking, delving too deeply into things, muddling around and even wallowing.
Let me try to use a simple example of one kind of resistance.
You have a destination you are heading for in the car. There are many roads to take and you decide to check out all the different ways you can take to get to the destination. You believe it is the journey not the destination and sometimes it is. Yet in fact this time you are so scared of arriving that you create as many diversions as possible.
This is resistance.
When you realize you have in fact already arrived, you will not want to waste time with diversions.
So how does that make sense to already arrive when clearly you are still at the beginning?
The moment the goal or vision has awoken within your consciousness is the moment you have arrived at that destination. It is resistance that pushes it forward into some linear time frame.
So how does this work?
With Ascension, we open to and exist in frequency rather than time.
By accepting, which is always the first step in any new journey, letting go and allowing yourself to surrender to every possible detail imaginable regarding your vision/goal, you allow all timelines and energies to recalibrate around you to make it so. All you need to do is dream, tweaking all the details, feeling everything and patiently allowing it to flow through and to you.
If this card has got your attention, it is prompting you to pay attention to the things/thoughts you may be using as resistance to who you are or what you already know or to where you have already arrived.