To hold on to anger is to prolong one’s own unhappiness.
Find a way to release your hurt which has turned to anger.
Allow nature to help you.
Use your hurt as inspiration.
Symbol 4: Emotions/Anger
I am going to say this is the most annoying place on the medicine wheel. Unlike almost all the other Symbols which are so exciting and wonderful, this one takes the longest to process and is the hardest work, yet it is fuel for all the other Symbols to grow. This Symbol in this place on the medicine wheel is where all our baggage is stored, all the stuff we need to sort out, all our pain, all our family problems, all our and ancestral karma, everything we suppressed or denied that is going to be coming up, collects here in this Symbol. It was here the Grandmothers taught me to go to the Earth, to Nature and allow that blocked energy to be released. To breathe!!! When we begin to realize energy is in a constant flow and we begin to become a part of that flow, we then become aware of blockages in our systems, and it becomes easier to release.
Ancestral work is done down here. If you are the one in the family who has felt the calling to break patterns in your bloodline of either illness, misfortune or abuse, then chances are you are already doing it. By doing the work on yourself to break the patterns/cycles you heal all those that were afflicted in the same way back through your bloodline and then forward for those who haven't come through yet. You are already doing this unconsciously, however if you want to do this consciously you can set up a sacred space where you place photos (if you have some) of those passed or symbolic representations and sit with them. Be open to what may come in. I called this ‘Sitting with the Ancestors’. I had an altar and a ritual I would do daily, and I would record what was coming in through my Higher Selves. Before I started to Sit with My Ancestors, I had no Awareness of Channeling. Now I am a Channeler.
The flip side to this card is INSPIRATION. Underneath all the anger, despair and dysfunction is a bright light. That Light is You!!! And that light is full of ideas, dreams, desires and excitement. It's called INSPIRATION!!! And what is life without inspiration? If you don't know, are you ready to find out?
The root work of this card is Forgiveness!!!
If you have drawn this card after your initial activation journey around the Medicine Wheel, there may be some forgiveness towards yourself or another that needs to be explored. It could also be calling you to do some genealogy or ancestral healing.