Intention is like a seed of your desire.
Plant it and watch it grow.
This is a powerful Symbol to use when you want to make some radical changes in your life and really step into creating a dream that you have for yourself.
When we heal and are no longer trapped beneath fear and lies there is room for us to find out what is real within us that may be longing for expression.
An Intention is like a seed of your desire. Plant it and watch it grow.
This card is letting you know that to make any changes in your life you need to align yourself with your true desire by setting the intention. Use this card to meditate and focus on your intention. When you have set your intention, place the card somewhere you can see it regularly until you see a sign that your desire is in motion. Thank the card and return it to the deck until your next intention is ready to be birthed.
If this card has popped into your life, be excited that as from this moment, regardless of all yesterdays you can now become a Creator. If you feel so inclined, you can draw a copy of this Symbol using your own colours and adding to it with your own symbolic meaning. Then hang it up with your Intention written next to it.
If the Intention/Creator Card and the Web card are together then this is a strong indication you have a dream of your own that is waiting to come into fruition, and it is time to step out of the web that is someone else's creation.