

an entwining dance of many circles.

Friendship, warmth, comfort,
trust, laughter, play,
exploration, sharing, wonderment.

     Forever growing.

Symbol 10


When you Love Yourself Fully,
Powers you did not imagine will AWAKEN.

Loving yourself fully is hard to do. Often those that need to Love themselves fully, do not know how. Otherwise they would.

I’ve questioned Love before, saying “I’m not sure I know what love is' ', but I/ we do know, or I/we wouldn’t feel the absence and presence of it.
However, being in love is confused with Love.
Love is a Tree, a Mountain, a Flower, a Song, a Child, a Grandparent. Love is a Light that Shines and makes ALL grow. Love is the Sun, the Rain, the Wind etc Love is your very existence. Love is creation. And Love is Unconditional.
Being in love is a totally different thing to “Love” for “Love” is everything.  Being in love can sadly be confused with the concept of attachment. Being in love can be an illusion. It can burn bright then fade quickly. As though it never was. Yet it is an enjoyable experience, and I am not dismissing it by saying it is an illusion.
The Love I am speaking of here and what this card represents is of Divine Love. Love that is Eternal. For ‘being in love’ to be Eternal it needs the Divine Love that this Symbol represents.

So, to experience Divine Love we must learn to fully love ourselves. At first that may seem a huge mission. Once we start and we learn what loving ourselves is, by making one choice that breaks a self-destructive pattern, it gets easier. It’s a long journey. However, what we don’t know when we start is at some point LOVE will start Loving us back. We only need to start the ball rolling/or LOVE flowing, then before we know it, it’s not us having to work so hard learning to LOVE ourselves. There becomes people and situations/happenings that when we look we can see, “wow this feels so loving and I’m not doing it, it’s coming from out there.” But it is you doing it by beginning the process and if it’s existing out there, then it’s within you now. Love Attracts Love.

If you chose this card, then LOVE is choosing you. Inviting you to see the LOVE within yourself. When you see Love within yourself you will then see it within others. You will see it everywhere.

This card also may wish to remind you not to confuse attachment with love. Learn to know Divine LOVE by the way it flows.

This Symbol carries the Energy of the Divine. Use it to Love yourself so fiercely that it burns all that is not LOVE away.


