
Crystalline Body Activation

Sitting comfortably, breathe in deeply and slowly filling the belly, the chest, the throat and the head. HOLD, then release from the belly, the chest, the throat and the head. Do this 3 times to center yourself.

Imagine that your whole body is made of clear quartz crystal.

 Sit with how that feels.

Now imagine you are holding a rainbow.

Starting with yellow as the first colour, imagine the colour yellow flowing down into your crystal body and filling every space.

You are now a yellow crystal light body.

Allow the yellow light to seep into the places it wants to go and observe.

When you are ready to let the yellow light go, let it flow out through your feet and pool onto the ground before it seeps into the Earth.

Now call down Orange.

Then Red.

Then Magenta/Purple

Then Purple/ Indigo

Then Blue.

And finally, Green.

When you are filled with Green Light slowly lower your arms down to the side and gently scoop up all the vibrating energy that is now surrounding you and bring your hands across your Heart.

Sit in this beautiful space of Green Light for as long as you desire to be there. When you ready to come back, offer some of that Green Light, with gratitude to the Earth .

Take 3 deep belly breaths before finishing the meditation.

 This Rainbow meditation is a crystalline activation which will clear energy blocks, activate alignment of your Chakras and open your Heart center.