The smoking of the past.

Cleansing of effects.

Understanding of ill effect on life.

Support and change.

Acceptance and release.


Symbol 2::

The Purification Symbol is about making a statement through a Symbolic ritual or act that you are Activating Healing.
It will involve fire and smoke. It can also be done by using Visualization in Meditation if you are unable to use or are uncomfortable with the use of fire and smoke.

This was how I was first introduced to this symbol

Residue Energy:
Imagine there is a large circle of rocks on the ground. There are supportive beings standing around the outside edge of the circle. You are sitting in this circle around another stone circle with a fire in the center.
As the smoke from the fire rises, it begins to dance around you.
It is cleansing what needs to be cleansed from your life. Be aware of what is coming into your mind and send it into the fire.
Visualize the smoke carrying it away, dispersing up into the ether.

When we make changes in our lives it creates Shifts in Energy.
What has long been practiced throughout our history by Shamans and other Energy Healers are methods of working with Energy to remove unwanted Energies. The 2 types of Energy removal referred to in this Symbol are those Energies that can be removed by smoke or fire. Residue Energy, that which remains after a Shift or Change and Blocked Energy, that which is stuck within you.

Residue Energy is the Energy left over when we make the shift that Acceptance creates. So in this sequence that is why Purification follows directly after Acceptance on the Pathway. To clear away any Residue Energy from that shift.
As this practice becomes familiar, you might notice you have instinctively lite some incense, a candle or smudged sometime after you have made a shift in consciousness.

Fire Rituals-This is of course the best and most powerful experience of connecting to fire energy. Since life began on this planet we have sat around fires. If you have done this, you will know what I am talking about. If you have not, I suggest you put it on your bucket list. Simply sitting around /with a fire requires no ritual as it is one within itself. A powerful full energy body cleanse occurs when we sit around a fire. However, your imagination is the only limit to the rituals you can do with a fire. The simplest being burning written words to release, cleanse and let go of anything that no longer serves you.

Candle Ritual-The simplest way to intergrade fire cleansings into our daily lives is to light a candle. Just light a candle with an intention in mind and let it flicker away till it’s done. Or sit with the mesmerizing flame as a meditation, allowing the gentle ebb & flow of the flame to merge and purify the energy in your field around you,
-This is a great one for when you can feel there is a lot of uncomfortable energy hanging around after a shift.
First light the candle.
Rub your hands together vigorously, alternating circling the palms clockwise, then counterclockwise, building up energy, you may even smell the friction. When you are ready open your palms to the size of a basketball. This is an energy ball. Place it so the flame is in the middle of the ball. Speak your intention. Something like this.
I feel for the presence of my energy body (and feel that energy pulsing between your hands).
I feel for the presence of the Earths energy (always good to ground yourself).
I draw this Sacred Fire energy into my energy body to purify & heal.
With Love & Gratitude, Blessed Be.
Then enjoy the flame as you experience its subtle energy moving through your own.

Smudging- If you are not familiar with smudging, it’s a popular practice of burning dried plant bodies to create a smoke which is then moved around over the whole body to cleanse the energy body. This can be done simply with an intention.

This is an extensive example of a ritual I used for extreme Blocked Energy during illness:

Starting on the New Moon, I did this for one whole moon cycle (New Moon to the next New Moon, being one month.)

Pine is my choice for smudging smoke in this ritual. I use the needles. I feel a strong connection to Pine trees.

Each morning I made myself a herbal tea and went out to my small table outside that faces the morning sun. I spoke these words as I began smudging.

“ I clear all channels of connection to Divine Source. May I be open to send and receive the Feelings, Words and Messages that need to be communicated through Spirit to and from my Heart. I Accept this Sacred gift of Purification through the gift of Sacred Fire & Sacred Smoke. Blessed Be”

I Then made my request.

“I seek to Activate the Self-Healing process I have within my Energy system. I release through Purification the blockages within my physical and emotional body and accept Divine Healing. I trust my body can do this. I ask the Earth to balance and strengthen me as I release and open the doors to receive what my Heart truly desires. I thank you!!! I thank you!!! I thank you!!!

We can always do with a little spring clean. To clean off that bench, clean out that cupboard or the car. We wash our clothes, our hair and our bodies. No one ever really told us about our Energy though.
Water is also a great Purifier & Healer. How often have you jumped in the shower to wash off that day. Yet not associating it to Cleansing the Energy in your Energy field.

The intention of this Symbol is to draw your attention to that which may need Purifying in your Life. To think about how certain things can affect your Energy field and what actions you can take to cleanse yourself.
It may be as simple as your diet needing a tweak or as deep as committing to some Emotional Healing or Spiritual Growth. Or simply to be aware when you are feeling a little off that maybe there is some energy residue that needs some fire to send it along its way.
In all aspects a little Smudging can go a long way in realigning, balancing and strengthening the connection we have with our own Energy.