Spiritual Healing

What is your Spirit and how do you heal your Spirit?
Spirit is like a telephone line through to Source. Or how we transmit/ receive/ link to the Creator.
If I change the word Creator to Creation, it could be quite interesting to see how our perspective changes. To be communing with a Creator can be to look up, adhere to or worship a being or entity that is separate from ourselves.
This is contrary to Unity and aligns with separation.
CREATION on the other hand implies that there is no separation. If we exist in Unity and no separation applies then we are ALL Creators of Creation.
Spirit is however much more than a telephone.
It is all the Energy of ALL & EVERYTHING!!!

So why do we need Spiritual healing?
Our connection to creation is extremally important to understand more about the purpose we have chosen to live as a human being. Through pain, suffering and the multitude of experiences we have had during our lives the clarity of our access to Spirit becomes hazy to say the least if not completely blocked. Spiritual healing is in a sense clearing of that blockage. And we reconnect simply by clearing away all that seperates us from who we are as Spiritual beings. When the Spiritual being and the Human Being of us Unite and become one, Healing occurs on ALL levels. Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual.
However this can be a struggle and it takes commitment & focus.

How do we Heal Spiritually?
Of course is the answer.
Yet how do we LOVE?
And what is LOVE!!!!

This is the Journey!!

