Reaching Out Letting Go


The past continually pops up until you let it go.

Others can help you release its hold if you take the step forward.

Reach out, it may be silently.

It will be released.

Maybe silently.

Symbol 5: Reaching Out & Letting Go of the Past

This is a minor card in the set yet still carries a strong message. It follows on from the previous card where you have been digging around in the emotions.
It doesn't require pondering, it's more of a prompt, a reminder.
It is saying to you,” You are not alone”.
Yet maybe you are treating yourself like you are alone.

 Is there something you are neglecting to address in your health?
Do you need to make an appointment to go to the dentist, physio or to see a therapist?

Are you neglecting to do your washing because you won’t ask a friend if you can use their washing machine when yours is broken and you haven't been able to replace it yet?

Sometimes there are cracks in us that make simple things really hard. This card is giving you the encouragement and support that you can't find in yourself to give that little or big push you need to take care of yourself.

This card suggests that Energy is Stuck.

If this card appears in your reading it may be suggesting, there is action required. Reaching out to someone, making that call, booking that appointment.
Or maybe there is a simple shift in perception silently surrendering to the strength you have within, allowing any stuck Energy to let go and flow again.

The Divine Masculine

The Energy of our Soul, so our Spiritual Energy is neither masculine nor feminine.
It is a balance of masculine and feminine energy. Which is why the last card in the circle is the Spirit Card. This symbolises at the completion of that journey around the Grandmothers Circle you have moved towards balancing your masculine and feminine energies through the work you have done.
In this life we get to occupy either a masculine or feminine physical body, yet the energies within us are both masculine and feminine. During our lives we are sometimes more one than the other and this will ebb and flow. Becoming balanced in these energies brings us closer to harmony and self-empowerment.

This card brings in the masculine medicine.