Angels, Spirit Guides & Multi-Dimensions
While driving home yesterday I remembered when years ago we talked of Angels being the only ones that kinda cared about us and could help us if we asked or even if we didn’t ask. They where like imagined beings flying in the sky looking down and sweeping in to help. Eventually they became closer and walked amongst us. Then now they are many of us.
I am not saying that I am an Angel but ALL of us that are Light Workers here now are working along side of Angels for the same cause.
To bring Source into Remembrance through LOVE.
By learning to LOVE OURSELVES we can then Love others unconditionally. We teach others to Love themselves by our examples of self Love.
Starting with Acceptance & Tolerance of others and Non-Judgement.
I had no idea I even believed in Angels until a friend who had just been diagnosed with breast cancer casually asked me to think of her while I was meditating. At that time I was committedly training in meditation and sat daily at 7am & 7pm.
That evening when I sat I did as she asked. I saw her in my minds eye sitting at her desk in her office where I had seen her earlier. Behind her stood a huge winged white Angel. He wrapped her in those huge white wings and I knew she would be fine. She was and still is. I must say I was extremely surprised to an Angel because I highly doubted they existed and this Being was not like Angels I’d seen in pictures. After that however I could not deny I believed in Angels.
When I began to open up as a multi-dimensional being, meaning my consciousness expanded beyond myself as a human being, my first Awakening was coming to Earth as an Eagle. I knew the expanse of magnificent wings. Eagles are know to embody Spirit and Spirit is the direct communication with Source. Are not the wings of an Eagle the same as the wings of an Angel. Or any bird.
I have been shown that birds live in a different dimensional frequency than we do. They have chosen to be a part of our density for us. It is a privilege that we share the same space with them.
It has been scientifically proven that we live amongst dimensions frequencies. Science does not believe (yet)we can feel or see them (yet many of us do). Right before our eyes we share this space with birds, animals & plants whose experience is measured differently. So is that not a dimensional Frequency?
Ghosts, being bodies that have died yet their imprints remain live on in the same space they lived or died. This is just another dimensional space we share. In the very space you are right now there is probably a multitude of dimensions occupying it. As we become multi-dimensional we can become aware of the other realities existing in our one reality.
It truly is astoundingly, fascinatingly exciting!!!
For now I want to tell you though that in the space you occupy now with your body in this reality, you have in another vibrational dimension what we call Spirit Guides. They are energies of consciousness that surround you, usually around your head and shoulders like orbs of light. They are with you always!
They know you inside and out and you where born with them. They have probably been born with you in every lifetime you have experienced. Some may change or come and go in different lives yet basically they are your team for the whole of your Earth life/lives. You are never ever alone here on planet Earth. You always have these/your Spirit Guides.
Mine often tell me to have more fun as I get too focused and forget to play.
Before I knew about them, they would speak to me in my songs. They would write words through me to pass information I needed to know about myself or the world.
Your Spirit Guides have only one agenda. To support you! They know the reasons you chose to be born on Earth and they are with you from the beginning of that reason to the end. They are in a sense your very best friends. And they are just one of the many that occupy dimensions that surrounds each and every human being on Earth.