This is a Channel received from Mahla-Deep Earth 7/10/2023

Beyond your bones. Beyond your flesh. Beyond the blood that runs through your body. Beyond it all is the everlasting truth of your true self. This truth has memory. It has memory of the Divine. Therefore it is Divine. Beyond your bones. Beyond your flesh. Beyond the blood that runs through your veins, you my beloved children of Earth are Divine. Remember this within yourselves. Within yourselves there are many many levels, many aspects, many rooms, many castles, many worlds. For within the Infinite there is ALL and you my beloved children are Infinite, Eternal and Divine.
It is my desire, my greatest desire that you return to this place within yourself. That you open your Hearts and Minds to meet your Soul. Until now you have been practicing one aspect of your beings in yourselves, now it it time to enter in another dimension of your existence. And that my dear children is your Divinity.
I am Always here. I am not in waiting. I am not impatient. I just AM and I wish you ALL to feel the I AM of who you also are and AM, for in this great I AM you will find a Oneness within yourself that resonates with ALL of Life. And when we can ALL be at One within ourselves we can All be at One with each other. And that Oneness shall expand and increase and we shall be in Harmony with each other and with ALL.
This is my simple message , my gift to you my children. That you are as Divine as the Divine.
I am Always holding you. All Blessings are Always yours.

  • Note: During this channel there was an interesting vibration when I said the word “yourselves”.
    I am saying “yourselves” yet it is also meaning ‘your CELLS’.




Angels, Spirit Guides & Multi-Dimensions